Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Recycled T-Shirt Beach Bag

I love going to the beach. Now that we live super close to a gorgeous beach, I plan on taking advantage of the sandy goodness. I have a whole slew of bags to choose from to take to the beach, but all of them are a pain in the behind to wash and trap sand in seams and pockets. It's frustrating, so I decided that it was time for something that can be tossed in the wash with beach towels and will actually come out CLEAN. T-shirts are so versatile when it comes to reusing them, and since they are washing machine friendly, an old t-shirt was the perfect material for my super easy project. Actually, choosing which old t-shirt to use was the hardest part.

Recycled T-Shirt Beach Bag
- Old t-shirt
- Scissors
- Something round and about 10" in diameter
- Needle and thread

1. Lay t-shirt out flat on a table. Cut the sleeves off, leaving the seam attached to the shirt.

2. Place the "something round" (I used a mixing bowl) over the head hole so that about 3/4 of the something round is on the shirt.  Cut around the something round. This is the opening of the bag.

3. Turn the t-shirt inside out and match up the bottom hems. Sew the bottoms together along the existing seam. If doing this by hand, you probably want to back stitch it twice, if by machine go over it twice to reinforce it. 

4. Turn the shirt right side out and your bag is done!

This bag is washable, versatile, recycled, and can increase the life of a worn out but special t-shirt! I'll probably also use this bag at the farmer's market since it is much easier to wash than my reusable grocery bags. 

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