Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

I apologize for my brief hiatus from posting as the family and I were visiting our second family for the holiday. Needless to say, my project time has been very minimal for the last week so I figured I would find something else to post about. In my earlier years, I was an avid Oprah watcher (no judgment please) and I used to love her yearly 'favorite things' show. So, in honor of Earth Day coming up and my lack of project material, I'm going to share some of my favorite environmentally friendly products with you! Most of these are baby related since most of our recent purchases (i.e., the last year of my life) have been baby related. Enjoy and feel free to comment or ask me any questions about these 'favorite things'!

Favorite Little Green Things
Life Factory glass bottles - perfect for a water bottle, or as we are using, a sippy cup for a little one! And very durable! They come in lots of colors, different sizes and with different lid options (flip-top, sippy cup, flat top and baby bottle) http://www.lifefactory.com/

Green Toys - We scored some recycled milk carton, BPA free feeding spoons for our baby bear, but they have tons of choices for feeding and toys! In addition to being eco-friendly, they are made in the USA! http://greentoys.com/index.html

Seventh Generation and Method cleaning products - Before I switched to the old fashioned vinegar and baking soda cleaning methods, I was obsessed with Method and Seventh Gen products (still am!). I still use 7th Gen dish soap and Method hand soap, but all of their products seem to work very well. http://methodhome.com/


Vulli Toys - If you have a baby or even a niece or nephew that's an infant, these teething rings rock!! They are made from natural rubber, 100% BPA and phosphate free! Baby bear loves hers! http://www.sophiegiraffeusa.com/index.html

Camelbak Groove - This is the best water bottle I have ever owned. It has a built in filter and a straw, what could be better? The bottles are BPA free and the replacement filters are very affordable. If you don't already own a reusable water bottle, you should definitely make this yours! http://www.camelbak.com/


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