Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Joy Sign

Lately I've been hearing the word "joy" a lot. I'm not really sure why, but I've always just associated joy with Christmas. Joy is something that we should be experiencing on a daily basis, though. Yes, we should be filled with joy around Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, but shouldn't we also be filled with joy each day as we celebrate all of the simple gifts God has blessed us with? Just waking up in the morning should fill us with joy, although I know my mornings generally do not reflect that my heart is filled with joy. I wanted to make a sign for my Christmas mantle and I thought that seeing "JOY" every day might remind me to stop letting earthly things get in the way of my joy. A little JOY for my home...

What you'll need:
- 3-D wooden letters (Hobby Lobby)
- Paint
- Mod Podge (or a 50/50 mix of Elmer's and water)
- Paint Brush
- Scrapbook Paper
- Pencil
- Scissors

How to:
1. Paint the edges of the letters, let dry. I did two coats on mine to get a rich color.

2. Lay the letter face down on the wrong side of a piece of scrapbook paper. Trace around the inner-most part of the letter. (I used 3-D letters from Hobby Lobby so mine had a carved edge and a smaller "face" for the front of the letter than the whole piece itself.)

3. Cut out the letter from the paper.
4. Slather some decoupage on back of the paper then carefully lay it onto the face of the letter. Slather the top of the paper with decoupage too.

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