Tuesday, June 19, 2012

DIY Extender Duster

I was mighty proud of myself for coming up with this contraption today to reach my vaulted ceilings for dusting. I'm sure many of you have already done this and are going to say "well duh!!" (Mom). I had been using my Dyson digital slim to vacuum the cobwebby ceiling corners, but after doing a few rooms and holding the vacuum up into the air for a few minutes at a time, my arms were really feeling it. Then it dawned on me, we have a lightweight yard stick and an already dirty Swiffer duster, so I could just rubber-band the duster onto the top of the yard stick... Don't judge me for using a disposable duster. The hubs and I both have HORRIBLE allergies, so trapping the dust and getting it out of the house is a must for us. It's the one and only not-so-eco-friendly cleaning thing I use. Anyways, here's a picture of the contraption:

I literally just folded a Swiffer duster pad in half, slid it onto the top of a yard stick, and rubber-banded it in place. This would also work with a broom handle and sock or any sort of cloth. Moral of the story: save yourself the $20 on the Swiffer Extender contraption thingy or whatever else they try to sell you to reach up into high places for dusting and just use what you have at your house. The environment will love you for it :) 

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